(North-Western Athens)

Run 1682 (Sunday 28th February 2010)

Hare: Mountain Goat

Photos & captions: Prickly Bush

Gathering hashers


The GM, Mad Dog


Circle up


The hare describes the trail


Mad Dog on fire watch


Mountain Goat on one of his many checks


Shampoo George, Mountain Goat and George on a check








Will Black Mamba take a tumble




Leap of faith


On Up


Napoleon checks


Yannis with Scrubbers knickers


Black Mamba, Zak and Mad Dog


Rim Job


Fair Cop and Mad Dog


Yannis in the lead


Fair Cop and Mountain Goat


Shampoo George followed by Mad Dog


On On, George


Fair cop collects the toll.


Mad Dog, George and Yannis steam ahead


Mad Dog is more than ready for the ON IN




The hare's DIO


Napoleon's DIO


A DIO for George


Napoleon has the task of opening the 65 year old wine.... celebrate Mad Dog's 65 years
(Wine kindly supplied by Hamish McTavish Esq.)


Clitoria lends a hand


Hashy Birthday Shampoo George, Fair Cop, Black Mamba and Mad Dog


Latecomers DIO


Well done, Doggie Style. 150 runs


What a sad old git, 800 runs


Mountain Goat is presented with a vase and tee-shirt
(T-shirt design by Fair Cop)


Bottoms Up









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                                                                        MD Feb. 2006

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